Študentsko povezovanje ni omejeno na posamezne države. V preteklem letu proti šolninam nismo protestirali le v Sloveniji. Neoliberalne reforme so bile vzrok za proteste po celem svetu.
Pred mesecem dni je potekala stavka študentov v Albaniji. Prva zahteva protestnikov je bila ohranitev javnih univerz. Marca 2014, so aktivisti in aktivistke progresivnega študentskega gibanja Studentski front zasedli rektorat Univerze v Beogradu (Iskrino pismo podpore: http://studentska-iskra.org//odzivi/podrska-beogradskim-studenticama-i-studentima/). Konec junija so protestirali avstrijski srednješolci in njihovi profesorji. Glavni razlog je podfinancirano javno šolstvo, nasprotovali pa so tudi pogojem selekcije v šolstvu (ocenjevanje, finančne omejitve …) in nedemokratičnosti izobraževalnih struktur (Iskrino pismo podpore: http://studentska-iskra.org//odzivi/podpora-dijaskim-protestom-v-avstriji/). Na Nizozemskem so študenti protestirali proti novemu sistemu študenstkih kreditov, ki bi študentom prinesel visoke dolgove. Na Šri Lanki so študenti, ki se upirajo vpeljavi šolnin, žrtve hude represije. Policijske ugrabitve in hudo nasilje so v preteklih letih med študenti pripeljali celo do smrtnih žrtev.
Poseganje kapitalizma v izobraževalni sistem ni lokalen, ampak globalen problem. Zato je potrebno najti način, da se bomo takemu načinu produkcije (znanja) uprli globalno.
V ta namen bo v Ljubljani v prihodnjem letu organizirana mednarodna študentska konferenca o organizacijskem vprašanju. Na njej bomo iskali rešitve, kako nasloviti neoliberalne posege v šolski sistem na globalni ravni.
Drugi način je bolj simbolna gesta, a lahko pripomore k ustvarjanju stikov in dvigu skupne zavesti. Gre za Svetovni teden akcije, ki bo potekal med 17. in 24. novembrom. V tem času bodo skupine študentov po celem svetu izvedle vrsto akcij, ki bodo naslavljale lokalne in globalne probleme v izobraževanju. Objavljamo poziv k sodelovanju (v angleščini in slovenščini).
★ We are Students NOT Consumers ★
Global Week of Action – Nov. 17th – 22nd 2014
We are calling for a Global Week of Action to reclaim education. The International Student Movement (ISM) is a platform consisting of many individuals and groups from different parts of the world. A group of students associated with the ISM came together during a series of chat meetings and decided to call for a coordinated action worldwide. We will UNITE in solidarity, because no matter where we live, we face the same struggle against profit-driven interests and their hold on education. Budget cuts, outsourcing, school closures, climbing costs of living and tuition fees among other phenomena, are all linked to an increasing commercialization and privatization of education. Uniting globally is our answer to these obstacles – fighting for emancipatory education for all.
Students across the globe are drowning in debt. These debts, constructed by the individualistic notion of “investing in one’s own future”, must be re-paid by selling our future labor. The increasing pressure to perform is sickening; the restrictions on access to education have become predatory and must be resisted! Everyone should have equal access to education, no matter what their socioeconomic status is.
The logic of the market requires that competitiveness and profits take priority over developing the capabilities for emancipatory thinking. Both depend on consumers, cheap labor and “consent of the governed” – not individuals living self-determined lives. Hence, this is not only a student’s issue, everyone is affected! The present circumstances obstruct us from attaining education and an accompanying environment in which people are stimulated in the development of critical thinking. In contrast, the present system educates us solely within the boundaries of what is compatible with the capitalist paradigm.
As a result, education systems consist mainly of knowledge factories which seek to reproduce the logic of the market with all its consequences. This leads to the commodification of knowledge, precariousness, and fosters the ideas of consumer culture among students.
We are all struggling against symptoms of the currently predominant economic system and will only be able to overcome it by uniting our efforts.
Let’s reclaim education – worldwide.