Objavljamo prevod mednarodnega poziva Transnational social strike k mednarodni stavki žensk. Original text in English below. 

Po velikih mobilizacijah in stavkah žensk, ki so se dogajale lansko leto, po velikih protestih žensk na dan inavguracije Donalda Trumpa v ZDA in po svetu, so se v mnogih državah sveta začeli javni sestanki in skupščine z namenom, da se letošnje praznovanje 8. marca spremeni v masovno stavko žensk. Vabimo vse, ki načrtujete kakršnekoli aktivnosti na svetovni dan žensk, da delite ta poziv z namenom povezovanja lokalnih bojev v transnacionalno gibanje žensk.

Od Poljske do Argentine, od Turčije do Italije, se dviga globalno gibanje žensk. V več kot dvajsetih državah bomo 8. marca šle na ulice in stavkale ter tako za en dan zmotile produktivne in reproduktivne aktivnosti. Navdahnjene s stavkami žensk v Argentini in na Poljskem, z ogromnim protestom proti nasilju nad ženskami v Italiji in s svetovnimi pohodi žensk, ki so se iz Washingtona in Londona razširili v stotine mest po svetu, bo 8. marec trenutek naslednje vstaje. Vse, ki se borimo proti neoliberalnemu patriarhatu, se bomo borile skupaj proti moškemu nasilju, proti vsem načinom omejevanja naših reproduktivnih pravic, proti pripisani nam vlogi matere, kot edini možni usodi ženske, proti vsem materialnim, simbolnim in diskurzivnim oviram na poti osvoboditve žensk.

Stavka se bo dogajala v zasebnih domovanjih, kjer ženske skrbimo za ostarele in otroke; v tovarnah, kjer ženske proizvajamo za globalne trge; v šolah, v bolnišnicah, tako v javnih kot zasebnih sektorjih, kjer ženske skrbimo za reprodukcijo družbe in smo še vedno plačane manj kot moški, ali pa sploh nismo plačane in večkrat delamo v zelo prekarnih pogojih; na univerzah in v šolah, kjer so spolne vloge in z njimi povezana hierarhija med spoloma tesno povezane z osiromašenjem in privatizacijo znanja. 8. marec bo tudi dan protesta migrantk, ki se dnevno borijo proti svojemu izkoriščanju s prehajanjem meja, kljub temu pa so še vedno podvržene le temu. To bo tudi trenutek za LGBTQIA skupnost in moške, da skupaj z nami stopijo v boj proti družbenemu redu, ki podreja, posiljuje in ubija ženske, medtem ko spodbuja izkoriščanje vseh nas.

To leto 8. marec ne bo le obredni trenutnek. To leto mora biti in bo priložnost, da pokažemo, kako močna je lahko stavka, ko jo prenesemo iz delovnih mest na vsa področja družbe, ko se stavka prenese v prostore doma, ko izraža globalno vstajo žensk proti globalnim neoliberalnim napadom. 8. marca bodo tudi tiste, ki ne morejo stavkati “legalno”, izrazile svoj upor proti represiji in prekarizaciji. Ženske in moški moramo vzeti orodje stavke nazaj v svoje roke, kljub poskusom sprememb zakonodaj, ki omejujejo možnost stavk v podjetjih, moramo pokazati, da je stavka orodje, ki ga lahko uporabimo v vseh prostorih, kjer se dogajata represija in izkoriščanje.

Stavkovno gibanje premaguje meje med delovnim mestom in družbo, med produkcijo in reprodukcijo, med državami in regijami: nedavne stavke žensk so neizmerno navdihujoči primeri tega, kaj lahko orodje transancionalne družbene stavke pomeni. 8. marca bomo del svetovne vstaje, katere namen je prevrnitev odnosov moči na podlagi spola, ki najbolj prizadene ženske in ki izvaja dominacijo nad celotno družbo. 8. marca bo stavka žensk presegla izolacijo vsakodnevnih bojev milijonov žensk proti represiji, vse glasove bo povezala v enoten klic: če naša življenja nimajo vrednosti, potem stavkamo!


After the mobilization and women’s strikes occurred last year, after the huge women’s turnout during the inauguration day, in the US and beyond, in many countries all around the world public meetings and assemblies are taking place to turn the celebrations on the 8th March into a massive women’s strike. We invite all those who are planning any initiative towards March 8th to circulate this call to enhance the transnational circulation of the women’s strike movement.

From Poland to Argentina, from Turkey to Italy, a global movement of women is rising. In more than 20 countries, on March 8th women will take to the street and strike, disrupting productive and reproductive activities for one day. Taking inspiration from the women’s strike in Argentina and Poland, from the huge demonstration in Italy against male violence over women, following the global women’s march that invaded hundreds of cities starting from Washington and London, March 8th will be yet another moment of uprising. All those protesting against neoliberal patriarchy will fight together against male violence and all the measures that constrain and discipline reproductive rights while imposing maternity as women’s only possible destiny, against the material, symbolic and discursive obstacles to women’s freedom.

The strike will take place inside houses, where women take care of the elderly and kids; in the factories where women produce for the global markets; in the schools, the hospitals, the public and private services where they ensure the reproduction of society and yet get less paid than men, or not paid at all, often working in extremely precarious conditions; in the universities and schools where gender roles and sexual hierarchies are imposed together with impoverishment and privatization of knowledge. March 8th will be a day of protest for migrant women, who daily challenge their exploitation moving across the borders but still bearing the major burden of care work under the blackmail of residency permits. It will be an opportunity for LGBTQIA willing to subvert imposed gender roles and for all men willing to fight against a social order that subordinates, rapes and kills women, while it fosters the exploitation of everyone.

This year March 8th will not be a ritual moment. This year it must and can be an opportunity to show how powerful the strike can be when it goes out beyond the official workplaces and throughout the whole of society, when it invades the domestic space, when it expresses a global women’s uprising against a global neoliberal attack. On March 8th even those who cannot “legally” strike will be able to show their refusal of oppression and precarity. Against all the attempts to weaken the strike through legislation and the blackmail of layoffs, women and men are taking it back as a weapon to be used in each place in which oppression and exploitation is exercised.

A strike movement is irresistibly crossing the borders between workplace and society, production and reproduction, between countries and regions: the recent women’s strikes are the most inspiring example of what a transnational social strike can become. On March 8th we will be part of a global uprising aimed to overturn the sexual power relationships affecting women and imposing domination on all society. On March 8thwomen’s strike will overcome the isolation of the daily solitary struggles of millions of women against oppression, making each voice resonate into a unitary shout: if our lives have no value, then we strike!

If Our Lives Have No Value, then We Strike! Call For A Global Women’s Strike // March 8th 2017

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